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BFA+ MFA Thesis 2024

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Common Etiquette, From the Passport to the Dining Table No.3

Fatima Siddiqui

Melting Pot: Third Culture Cooking

Graphic design

“Melting Pot” explores what it means to be a third culture kid through the lens of food and how it impacts one’s culinary as well as communal relationships. The project delves into the dynamic intersection of food, technology, and graphic design within the realm of third-culture cooking; a form of cultural fusion in the kitchen. The project aims to highlight the creative innovation that allows individuals to foster a global yet personal perspective of cultural appreciation. Central to this thesis is the exploration of the notion of culinary “authenticity” and the promotion of inclusivity through food. By challenging these traditional notions, I aim to advocate for a more expansive understanding of culinary heritage, celebrating the fusion of diverse kitchen traditions and the joining of community.