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Funding is a critical part of the research process. VCUarts Qatar faculty and students engaging in research can access a range of financial support thanks to the Qatar Foundation’s belief that research is essential to national and regional growth.
In addition to the funds and programs below, there may also be other funding opportunities available, so if you have a potential research project and would like advice on how to structure this research or what funding you could access, please contact us.
Serving the VCU School of the Arts and VCUarts Qatar community, DIS:CO (discovery and collection) is a community-driven repository of relevant opportunities in support of research, scholarship, creative activities, and professional development across disciplines.
Pivot combines the most comprehensive, editorially maintained database of funding opportunities worth an estimated $74 billion. Its algorithm compiles pre-populated researcher profiles unique to VCU and others, and matches them to current funding opportunities in the database. This allows users to search for a funding opportunity and instantly view matching faculty from inside or outside VCU. Conversely, a search for a scholar will link to matching funding opportunities. A VCU eID and password are required for off-campus access to Pivot.
Curated lists include hand-selected funding opportunities in a category of likely interest to VCU investigators. Each list is centrally managed and updated as new information becomes available. VCU departments are welcome to post and disseminate the links to these lists as appropriate. A VCU-affiliated PIVOT account is required (see Pivot Account Set up instructions) to access the curated lists. To register for a PIVOT account, you will need to use your vcu.edu email address. Please note that to access the curated lists below, you must log in to PIVOT.