Fall 2025 Application Deadline is January 15!

Academic Standing

Good Standing

  • A student who is enrolled at VCU is in “good standing” until such time the student is placed on academic warning, probation or suspension. Students should consult their program of study regarding specific academic standards constituting good standing in the program.


  • A student is placed on academic warning when the student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 (grade C) at the conclusion of any semester of attendance — Fall, Spring or Summer.
  • Notification of warning appears on the student’s academic record.
  • A degree-seeking student on academic warning may not enroll in more than 14 credits per semester of attendance except under unusual circumstances and with the permission of the dean or designee of the school or college in which the student is enrolled.
  • A nondegree-seeking student on academic warning may not enroll for more than 11 credits per semester of attendance. A student remains on academic warning for one semester of attendance, at the end of which time the student must obtain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0. Failure to achieve this GPA results in academic probation.


  • A student is placed on academic probation when the student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 for two successive semesters of attendance, including Summer sessions.
  • Notification of probation appears on the student’s academic record.
  • A degree-seeking student on academic probation may not enroll in more than 13 credits per semester of attendance.
  • A nondegree-seeking student on academic probation may not enroll in more than 11 credits per semester of attendance. Students on academic probation are expected to improve their cumulative GPA by achieving a semester GPA of 2.0 or better during each semester of attendance.
  • A student who achieves a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 is removed from academic probation.
  • Failure to achieve a 2.0 semester GPA while on probation results in academic suspension.


  • A student is placed on academic suspension when the student’s cumulative GPA is below 2.0 for two successive semesters and the following semester of attendance GPA falls below 2.0.
  • Notification of suspension appears on the student’s academic record. The student also receives a letter from the Department of Enrollment and Registration Services stating the conditions of the suspension. Academic suspension indicates the student has a record of continued unsatisfactory progress.
  • A student on a first academic suspension may not enroll at the university for two consecutive semesters, including the Summer session. Course work taken at another institution while the student is under academic suspension from VCU is considered part of the criteria for readmission, but the course work is not used to increase the VCU cumulative GPA. If the student is readmitted, the course work will be evaluated according to regular procedures.
  • A student may apply for readmission to VCU for the semester following completion of the suspension period. A student readmitted after suspension enrolls under the academic probation status and is subject to the provisions of that status. If a student readmitted after suspension fails to obtain a semester GPA of 2.0 in any semester before achieving a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0, the student is placed on a five-year suspension. The student may be considered for readmission after a minimum five-year separation from VCU.
  • For Readmission guidelines, see the Office of Admissions.

Dean’s List

  • The Dean’s List is a recognition of superior academic performance.
  • A student is automatically placed on the Dean’s List for each semester in which a semester GPA of at least 3.5 is attained, based on a minimum of 12 semester (VCU/VCUQ) credits, excluding courses graded credit/noncredit, P/F, and with no grade below C. 
  • A notation is placed on the student’s academic record.
  • Students earning marks of I or PR are ineligible for the Dean’s List for the semester in which these grades were earned. (Exceptions are made for students with I-grades on account of courses which stretch over multiple academic terms per the program’s design, provided all other eligibility requirements as noted above apply.)