
Resources for Students

Emergency Hardship Grant

The Division of Student Affairs is pleased to facilitate the Dean’s Emergency Hardship Grant program for VCUarts Qatar students. This is designed to provide financial assistance with unexpected emergency expenses. The goal of the grant is to prevent one emergency or unexpected expense from derailing a student’s progress toward a degree. The fund is designated to offset a short-term financial need and is not intended to replace or supplement financial aid. The funds do not need to be repaid. We do encourage students, when they are able, to pay the deed forward. Awards are allocated twice a year through an application process.

Student Code of Conduct

Under the terms of the Virginia Commonwealth University Student Code of Conduct, students are extended rights, but also assume many responsibilities. For a student to succeed at VCU, they must know and understand this policy and live within the parameters of the Student Code of Conduct and other university policies. Anyone can report a possible Student Code of Conduct violation.

Honor System and Standards of Academic Conduct

VCU recognizes that honesty, truth, and integrity are values central to its mission to advance knowledge and student success both in the world VCU students will enter or return to, once they have graduated and in the university community as a microcosm of that world. Therefore, all members of the university community must conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of academic honesty, ethics, and integrity at all times. The Honor Code and Standards of Academic Integrity Policy apply to students at VCUarts Qatar. Anyone can report a possible Honor Code violation.

Co-Curricular Research, Assessment, and Evaluation

The Assistant Dean for Student Affairs strives to provide needed support and resources for other Student Affairs staff to engage in assessment best practices that use evidence to demonstrate impact on student learning, and development, and improve organizational effectiveness. We promote a culture that fosters evidence-based decision-making, leads to continuous improvement, and serves as a central hub for disseminating assessment information and empowering the community to practice intentional assessment activities that maximize student learning and support student success.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We are committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in our community. This commitment is reflected in our mission, policies, and practices. Our goal is to create a welcoming and inclusive environment that supports all community members, regardless of their background or identity. Diversity and inclusion are essential to our academic mission, and we are dedicated to ensuring that all students have access to the resources and opportunities they need to succeed. Our commitment extends beyond our classrooms and into our community, where we work to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all community members.

A commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is not just the right thing to do, it is also the smart thing to do. Our diverse and inclusive community helps to foster creativity, innovation, and collaboration, and ensures that we remain at the forefront of academic excellence.

Title IX – Equity and Access Services

The Assistant Dean for Student Affairs assists students with adherence to Title IX, a law in the United States that ensures a safe and secure learning environment for students. We respond to allegations of prohibited conduct defined in the University’s Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy – Interim and Sex-Based Misconduct Policy – Interim. We are available to meet with members of the VCU community to discuss policies, support, and resources and to connect members to our VCU Richmond home campus Title IX Office.

Assistant Dean Student Ambassador Program

The Assistant Dean’s Student Ambassador Program provides opportunities for current students to build their skillsets by working in the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs Office on special projects and initiatives. This is a funded program available through the Student Employment Program and provides mentorship, skill development, and leadership opportunities for students on campus. Positions are available at the start of each semester.