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Welcome to the wonderful world of clay. Bring your creativity to the fore. Experiment with shapes and colours.
Create shapes, embellish using simple tools, mix colours to make exciting shades, paint, attach findings and string to bring the jewellery to life.
Note: This class takes place at IAID (Academy for Dance, Music and Arts) – Intersection D-Ring Road / Rawdat al Khail Street.
For directions, please visit http://www.iaid.qa
Please note: VCUQatar reserves the right to cancel classes for which not enough participants are registered. Already paid fees will be refunded.
Please do not purchase materials until VCUQatar has sent final course confirmation.
Participants are required to buy their own materials beforehand and bring them to every class
Clay will be supplied free of cost by the instructor during the class.
On occasions, there may be some more materials to be bought and brought in if and when advised by the instructor.
Start: Sat, 21 Oct, 2017
End: Sat, 9 Dec, 2017
Lessons: 8
Days: Saturdays
Time: 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Location: IAID (Academy for Dance, Music and Arts) at Intersection D-Ring Road / Rawdat al Khail Street
Cost: QAR 850
Sangeeta Deepu
Sangeeta Deepu is a multi-faceted handicrafts professional with mastery in ceramics and leather works.
She is passionate about sharing her rewarding experience and is a dedicated teacher. Sangeeta has perfected her own unique method for making ceramic bracelets. She also make her own mosaics for decorative artwork for any space.
Sangeeta has been featured in the Gulf Times Community Sunday Conversation titled Cath’art’ic, in the cover story Discovery via Creativity in the Qatar Tribune Supplement Chillout. Also in the Society magazine of the Gulf Times.
To register for this course, access the form.